NOTE: You can always reinstall the game to reset it to its untranslated state if something goes wrong.Ħ.
They should be named the same as some of these files here. Insert the files from the patch you dowloaded earlier into here. In this window, open the file named 'media'.ĥ. An easy way to access these is to right-click the game on steam, open Properties, then click the Local Files tab, then the Browse Local Files button at the top.
I can recommend Cao Shang's Universal English patch.Ģ. I'm using Cao Shang's Universal English patch, although I tested the one here and some of the chosen words are different, though this is a curiosity rather than a criticism. Almost everything needed for gameplay is at least somewhat translated, and if you know the game/are willing to play around and learn by doing, you'll soon work things out. Yes, there is! However, it is not a 'complete' patch, though it does make the game playable.